ماژول MT7681 WiFi با رابط UART
The MT7681 is a highly integrated Wi-Fi SoC(system on Chip) single chip, which supports IEEE802.11b/g/n single stream, providing GPIO and PWM for intelligent control, and UART, SPI, and I2C interfaces for device communication. The MT7681 integrate power amplifier, low noise amplifier, and RF switch to reduce the module size and RF design capability required.
ماژول MT7681 WiFi با رابط UART
The MT7681 is a highly integrated Wi-Fi SoC(system on Chip) single chip, which supports IEEE802.11b/g/n single stream, providing GPIO and PWM for intelligent control, and UART, SPI, and I2C interfaces for device communication. The MT7681 integrate power amplifier, low noise amplifier, and RF switch to reduce the module size and RF design capability required. And also integrate power manage unit for single 3.3V power source for cost effective design. The MT7681 embedded 32-bit RISC MCU for 802.11b/g/n drivers, supplicant, TCP/IP protocol stack, and networking applications, can be operated in station mode and softAP mode. The MT7681 is an ideal solution for embedded device to enable networking service with minimized design effort. All the features are available in compact 40pin, 5x5mm QFN package.
Feature Support and Notes:
1: Add Tx packet length parameter (-l) for ATE command
2: Add Rx cnt Duration Parameter (-t) for ATE command
3: Add bandwidth select Parameter "-b" for ATE command
4: Fix ATE Tx Result is not correct as the TxPwr Per rate set wrong data
5: Fix Rx Calibration AvgRSSI0 is not exactly.
6. Summary Boardcast + multicast + nottome Unicast frame in Rx calibration
7: Merge Calibration mode and Recovery Mode into Recovery.bin
8: Delect AT cmd refer to TCP
9: Rename Uart rx to air compile option.
10: Do flash_merge.sh 3 as compile Recovery Mode FW
11: Enable soft PWM by default
12: Query GPIO in APK can get GPIO0~4 status, no matter some of them are in PWM mode
13: Add Recovery Mode duration parameter for customerization
14: Enable Uart symbol for customer usage
15: Support 802.11n Bandwidth 40M for Rx Path (Default use BW_40 in Smnt state, and BW_20 in other states).
16: Release sample code and control Macro to calculate PMK by 7681 software, it will spend 6sec
17: Release ws_got_ip(), ws_got_ip_fail() to customer
18: Release AES Decrypt/Encrypt API to customer.
19: Enable Reboot AT cmd in flag_sta.mk
20: Enable Power Calibratioin to improve Rx sensitivity
21: Separate main(), wifi_task, RxHandle to *_pub.c, and release more .h file to customer.
22: Add parameter PRINT_FLAG to determin if enable Printf_High()/DBGPRINT_HIGH()
23: Add input paramter bSpecificAP, to inidicate if use Specific SSID for scanning
24: Flash Write API improvement
25: Add 3 APIs to enable GPIO interrput.
26: Add IoT_gpio_read( ) to Read gpio status: (*pPolarity 0=output mode, 1=input mode), (*pVal 0=low, 1=High)
27: Uuse IoT_gpio_read() to instead of IoT_gpio_input() in uart2wifi handle
28: Fix FW Upgrade fail from uart, because FW upgrade size is not correct
29: Fix some AP may feedback DHCP OFFER/ACK in a long time--Set BOOTP flag as 0x0
30: Fix smnt/scan process abnormal by stop smnt, scan timer when do wifi_state_chg()
31: Fix uiP input fail while UDP client connect->disconnect-->connect (remote port change)
32: Fix Not send Auth frame if disable CFG_SUPPORT_MTK_SMNT.
33: Fix GPIO0,1 swap issue
34: Fix Rx/Tx Dequeue fail--Move wifi_rx_proc outside from ATEPeriodicExec() 35:Fix AP mode can not Tx/Rx