MSP-EXP430FR6989برد لانچپد
The MSP430FR6989 LaunchPad features on-board emulation and support for EnergyTrace++ support. This means you can program and debug your projects without additional tools and now have the capability to analyze power consumption down to the peripheral level.
MSP-EXP430FR6989برد لانچپد
On-board emulation
The MSP430FR6989 LaunchPad features on-board emulation and support for EnergyTrace++ support. This means you can program and debug your projects without additional tools and now have the capability to analyze power consumption down to the peripheral level.
The MSP430FR6989 LaunchPad features a 40-pin expansion header for connectivity to compatible boosterpacks that add additional functionality like wireless, displays & more.
What's included?
The MSP430FR6989 LaunchPad Development Kit includes everything you need to get started with MSP430FRx MCUs!
- MSP430FR6989 LaunchPad
- Mini-USB cable
- Quick Start Guide
Why this LaunchPad?
- Features the MSP430FR6989 MCU. This is an extremely integrated microcontroller in the MSP430FRx family.
- It offers 128 KB of non-volatile FRAM for low-power datalogging and enhanced code security in a number of applications.
- This LaunchPad also include integrated peripherals for sensing-based applications that include a 320-segment LCD controller, 12-bit differential ADC and a dual analog-front-end for rotation detection.
Microcontroller Features
- 16-Bit RISC Architecture up to 16-MHz Clock
- Wide Supply Voltage Range (1.8 V to 3.6 V)
- Optimized Ultra-Low-Power Modes: – Active Mode: Approximately 100 μA/MHz - Standby Mode with RTC: Approximately 450 nA
- 128 KB of Ultra-Low-Power Ferroelectric RAM (FRAM)
- 32-Bit Hardware Multiplier (MPY)
- Three-Channel Internal DMA
- Real-Time Clock (RTC) With Calendar and Alarm Functions
- Five 16-Bit Timers With up to Seven Capture/Compare Registers Each
- 16-Bit and 32-Bit Cyclic Redundancy Checker
- Extended Scan Interface (ESI) for Background Water, Heat, and Gas Volume Measurement
- 16-Channel Analog Comparator
- 12-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
- Integrated LCD Driver With Contrast Control for up to 320 Segments
- 128-Bit or 256-Bit AES Security Encryption
- Enhanced Serial Communication
BoosterPack connector